Main Server Rules:
1) Dont be a douche bag!
2) No hacking/scripting of any kind!
3) No ghosting
4) Respect all players!
5) No mic spamming
6) No advertising
7) No impersonating Admin or others
8) no Freekilling
9) have fun!

Jailbreak Rules:
1) CTs can only kill rebelling Ts
2) CTs must give Ts a warning to drop a secondary weapon and name the player.
3) CTs cannot give Ts guns and then kill them (Gunplanting)
4) Ts can kill CTs for jumping on their heads
5) When there is only 1 T left, Ts can have a LR
6) Ts can type !lr to get their last request even during wardays
7) No cheating in LR is always implied.
8) Do not delay any LRs.
9) CTs cannot hurt Ts without warning [except primary, which allows CTs to shoot on sight]
10) CTs cannot ask Ts to do something that will kill themselves (fish in the barrel)
11) First day in a new map is always freeday.
12) If the ratio is more than 2:3 it is a ratio freeday.
13) If the warden dies and no CT takes over in the next 10 seconds, then it is an automatic freeday.
14) CTs cannot give orders if they are dead.
15) No vent camping or armory camping.
16) Restricted freedays are limited to only 2 areas
17) If cells open automatically, then it is freeday.
18) No consecutive Wardays.
19) You can have wardays a maximum of 2 days. "Everywhere" is not an acceptable area.
20) CTs cannot tell Ts to left click
21) No throwing knives in LR
22) The loser of an LR can run away unless/until the time is 3:00, then the loser must freeze to avoid delaying the round.
23) Ts are not allowed to rebel during their LR
24) Ts can knife CTS if they are baiting on purpose
25) No detours and no delays is implied for all commands.
26) Admins are not allowed to give orders through admin chat.
27) Other admins are NOT allowed to impersonate the admin giving orders.
28) If a T points a secondary at a CT the CT may kill the T
29) If a T is inside Armory, it is an automatic instant rebel.
30) You must give orders clearly and at an appropriate rate through your Mic
31) Baiting is when and only when you can stand still and you can knife the CT.
32) If your mic has terrible quality, then please refrain from using it or you will be muted.

Predefined Rules -
Panda Freeday- Pandas must stay crouching at all times, may not left click but only right click, may not teleport, can't jump and can't climb unless getting to a CT.
Zombie Freeday- Zombies must always be walking, may not right click but only left click, may not teleport, can't jump and can't climb unless getting to a CT. 
Gun toss- No crouching, no bhopping, no cheating, no admin powers from anyone to benefit either side, CTs go first, no interference from other players.
Shot for Shot- Stay on the wall at all times, no healing, no hiding, no interference from other players.
All others- No healing, No interference from other players.

Usefull mods activation:

!w - To become the warden!
!lastman - to enable or disable lastman
!rules - to pull up hosties rules
[More mods to come!]